General Chaos for the SEGA Genesis tells the frenzied tale between two war generals, Chaos and Havoc. What is the original General Chaos? What does it entail, and why does the sequel deserve a second chance? Find out below! Rather than dwelling on things, we hope to help change that. The first and only title in the series was released exclusively on the SEGA Genesis back in 1994 and while fondly remembered to those who played it, it’s safe to say that it hasn’t been the hot topic of conversation for quite some time. So why was the amount not met? We feel that one reason as to why this promising campaign did not reach its goal was due to how unknown the original title is to the typical modern gamer.

Along with its new subtitle, Sons of Chaos, the game is set to include new modes, updated graphics and refined control schemes, making use of mouse and touch screen input devices. Their goal was set at $125,000 with the team promising for a full blown sequel to the first General Chaos title. The passionate development team, led by video game veteran Brian Colin, are setting out in an attempt to update the classic SEGA Genesis title to modern devices.

We’re more than a little disappointed that the recent Kickstarter campaign created by Game Refuge has not met its goal.